Logos and Regulations

A. URS Certificate Template and Dates

The certificate template for registered companies contains various dates, below is an explanation for these dates and what they mean. (Changes have been made to the Certificate Template data to take into account the different requests of the various regulators and clients).

We will now record all essential dates to cover all “bases” and as such, there will be extra date fields.

The current date fields are as follows:

·         Date of Issue (original).

·         Date of Issue.

·         Expiry Date.

The NEW date fields are as follows:

Date of Issue of Certification Cycle (This will be the date of the Power of Veto or Technical Report Review).

Certificate Expiry Date (as the expiry date above – normally three years less one day and should be taken from the date of issue of Certification Cycle).

Revision Date (This is a new date and relates to changes in the certification e.g.: change to scope, address and exists throughout the certification cycle).

Original Certificate Issue Date (the date of the 1st certification certificate – so if the certification is 6 years old, this date will show 6 years old – was the Date of Issue (original) – see above).

Additional data held previously included:

·         Certificate Number

·         IATF Number

The NEW data fields are as follows:

Issue Number (The Certification Cycle Number i.e.: if the client is 6 years old re certification, then the NEXT certification Cycle Number will be 3 – currently 2 – this is a new data field).

Certification Cycle (in the above example this will be 2).

Revision Number (this is the date of changes e.g.: scope, address) – i.e.: a number that is independent of the Certification Cycle number – in other words, the certification cycle in this example is 2, however there has been 3 revision changes - name, address and minor scope change - so the revision number will be 3 in this case.

Scheme Number this will be the IATF Number, or a number dependent on other schemes e.g.: AS should the requirements change to record a number. If no scheme requires the number e.g.: 9001, then the field entry will state Not Applicable.


Effect on Certificate Dates due to Late Audits

All Schemes will follow this rule for late audits as per ISO 17021-1 with the exception of IATF (see below for deviation for this Scheme).

If an audit is conducted within the 6-month allowable period following Certificate expiry, the issue date will reflect the VETO or Technical Review, however the expiry will follow the original certificate expiry (3 years -1 day from this date and NOT 3 years -1 day from the technical report review).

This will ensure the ‘GAP’ is identified in the certificate.

Note: Other gaps in Certificate dates may exist due to issues such as late payment of annual fees by a customer and other unforeseen circumstances.


IATF 16949

If an audit is conducted EARLY within the 3 moths prior to the planned date (as per Rules 5th 5.1.1), the certificate expiry will follow the issue date of the VETO review following that audit.

If the audit is completed within the 1-month allowance following the planned date, the same applies.

Effect on Certificate dates due to Transfer Audits

When a client Transfers to URS there are two options:

Option 1. Start a fresh – this will ensure the Issue date is the power of VETO or Technical Review and the Expiry is 3 years -1 days following this.

Option 2. The Client wishes to follow IAF MD2, the issue date will follow the transfer audit technical review date with the expiry following the existing Cycle.

URS do not as standard detail the original issue as per previous CB, however if a client requests this, we will conduct verification of the same and may apply as below.

(‘MD2 2.3.4 - If no problems are identified by the pre-transfer review, the certification cycle shall be based on the previous certification cycle and the accepting certification body shall establish the audit programme for the remainder of the certification cycle. NOTE: The accepting certification body can quote the organization’s initial certification date on the certification documents with the indication that the organization was certified by a different certification body before a certain date.’)

IATF 16949

As per Rules 5th (7.1.2), the Issue date will be the power of VETO date and expiry 3 years -1 day from this date. No variations apply.

B. Use of Marks and Logos/Logo Regulations and Rules

As a registered Client, Entity, or Person, you will be entitled to use the relevant mark(s)/Logo(s). Before you download your mark(s)/logo(s) - see footer of this page, please take the time to read the rules and regulations appertaining to the use of the relevant mark(s)/Logo(s); stated below.

Logo Regulations and Rules of Application:

As you are a certified/registered organization, your business is entitled to display this fact, via a logo, or logos, on letterheads, compliment slips, business cards, brochures and marketing materials (including websites) etc., as long as they conform to the regulations stated in the following text.

The choice of logo(s) will depend on:

a) The standard(s), or scheme (hereafter referred to as either standard or scheme) to which your organization is certified/registered.
b) Your organization's preference regarding design and presentation.

In general, the choice of logos available, dependent on the brand (e.g.: URS), are as follows:

1. Brand logo (e.g.: United Registrar of Systems Limited) logo on its own.
2. A logo to symbolize the standard on its own.
3. United Registrar of Systems Limited logo with the Accreditation Body logo e.g.: UKAS (tick and crown).

Please Note – the UKAS Logo was updated January 2021 – the following dates apply for updating:

• Digital Materials – 1 year from the date of launch (1st February 2022)

• Printed Materials – 2 years from the date of launch (1st February 2023

• Certificates – 3 years from the date of launch (1st February 2024)

URS will include the updated logo on your certificate, following your next successful re-certification audit.

4. United Registrar of Systems Limited logo with the symbolized logo.

Note: For some schemes there is not a choice of four logos, e.g.: Non Accredited schemes.

You will only be presented with links to logos for the standard(s) your organization is certified/registered against.

Accreditation Specifics:

1.0 UKAS – Accredited Certification (Management Systems)

If your Certificate of Registration bears the UKAS Tick & Crown logo (look towards the base of the certificate), then your organization is entitled to use any of the appropriate logos which show the UKAS Tick & Crown mark.
However, if your Certificate does not bear the UKAS Tick & Crown logo, then you must not use any of the logos showing the Tick & Crown mark.
Please note that the auditor (inspector, or evaluator) is obliged at every visit (or evaluation) to check the use of logos and should the auditor note that an incorrect logo is being used, or a correct logo is being used incorrectly, then a non-compliance will be raised and you will be requested to remove the logo from all materials (digital, or otherwise). In addition, if it is determined that incorrect references are made to the certification status or misleading use of certification documents, logos or reports has occurred, additional actions could be taken by URS including suspension, withdrawal of certification, publication of the transgression and, if necessary, legal action.

An example of incorrect use is a Management Systems UKAS logo displayed on Calibration Certificates.

When using a logo(s), please note that there are rules/regulations regarding their use, these are as follows:


i) (a) Logos must not be used on Products, or the Packaging of products. The only exception is for the logo types 1, 2 and 4 above, as long as a clear statement accompanies the logo(s), which states the suggested wording below (At no time must the logo appear on its own and must not convey the impression that the product has been certified/approved). 

e.g.: “This logo demonstrates that the organization has a Management System to assure compliance to the System standard”
(b) Logos must not be used on laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports (unless a client is Certified under URS Holdings - check with your designated Office as to your particular criteria if in doubt).

ii) (a) You are not permitted to make any misleading statement regarding certification and must amend all advertising material if the scope of certification has been reduced and which effects the use of the logo and its scope.

ii) (b) You must not use or permit the use of a certification document or any part thereof, in a misleading manner i.e.: the logo(s) can only be used in conjunction with the name and location that gained the certification/registration.

ii) (c) Upon suspension or withdrawal of the certificate(s) you must discontinue the use of all advertising materials (hardcopy and/or electronic versions) that contains any reference to certification.

ii) (d) Misuse of the accreditation mark and/or certification logo may be cause for withdrawal of your certification, this includes implying that the certification applies to activities that are outside of the scope of certification.

ii) (e) You should not use your certification in such a manner as to bring URS Holdings (or any URS subsidiary) and/or the certification system into disrepute.

iii) For logo types 1, 2 and 4, the logos can be of any size and colour.

iv) For logo type 3, additional specific rules for use of logo are as follows based on the applicable Accreditation Body:

For UKAS accredited certifications, the accreditation mark should be reproduced, as follows:

‘The national accreditation symbols shall normally have a minimum height (excluding the accreditation number) of 20mm. Any enlargement or reduction shall retain the same proportions as those of the masters reproduced in this publication. The national accreditation symbol and the accreditation number shall be considered as a single entity for purposes of enlargement or reduction.

In exceptional circumstances, which are usually dictated by reason of space limitation or cost, the national accreditation symbols may be reproduced at a reduced height, but paragraph 3.8(c) must be satisfied.

(3.8 c) Irrespective of the height of reproduction, the national accreditation symbols must, in the opinion of UKAS, be legible, with no infilling.

When the national accreditation logo or national accreditation symbol is printed on an unfolded portion of stationery sized no greater than A4, it shall be displayed in a size no larger than 30mm high. On larger portions of unfolded stationery, the size may be proportionately increased.’

1.1 UKAS – Accredited Certification (Product)

(Specifics for Product Logo usage)

The Product Certification national accreditation symbol may only be used in connection with a product, process or service certified under an accredited product certification scheme.

If, in the specific case of a product certified under an accredited product conformity scheme, physical constraints prevent reproduction of the product certification national accreditation symbol to the limits specified in this Appendix, a label based on the product certification example in Figure 2 may be attached to the product. If that is impracticable, the label may be affixed to the primary packaging (e.g. blister pack) but not to the secondary packaging (e.g. outer, transit pack).

See link below for full guidance.


2.0 NABCB – Accredited Certification (non-product)

the accreditation mark shall be reproduced:

a In Grey-Black colour combination as per artwork
b No smaller in size than 15mm X 12mm or in the event of reproduction in smaller size owing to limitation of space, the logo shall be legible with no infilling of space and letters and must retain the same size proportions
v) You can use as many logos as you are entitled to, as long as the logos relate to the certified/registered standard (s).
vi) All logos used must reference the certificate number at the bottom of the logo, where indicated.

 3.0 When to use the UKCA marking

You only need to use the new UKCA marking before 1 January 2022 if all of the following apply. Your product:

This does not apply to existing stock, for example if your good was fully manufactured, CE marked and ready to place on the market before 1 January 2021. In these cases, your good can still be sold in Great Britain with a CE marking even if covered by a certificate of conformity issued by a UK body before 1 January 2021.

How to use the UKCA marking

Placing the UKCA marking

In most cases, you must apply the UKCA marking to the product itself or to the packaging. In some cases, it may be placed on the manuals or on other supporting literature. This will vary depending on the specific regulations that apply to the product.

The following general rules apply:

Rules for using the UKCA image

You must make sure that:


Company Vehicles:

You can use the logos on your company vehicle(s) but please note they cannot use any logo that has the Accreditation Body logo (logo type 3) on it.

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